活性界面製作(活界創造股份有限公司)於 2021 年成立,由陳午明、吳筱荔創辦,專注於臺灣表演藝術 IP 轉化應用與商業模式研發,以音樂劇、舞台劇、版權引進、跨國共製、藝術節策展、各類表演藝術項目為基底,以亞洲華語市場為標的,橫跨現場演出、影視製作、線上內容等領域。結合表演藝術內容製作以及文創商轉應用的專業人才,主動開發並持有跨領域 IP ,提供整合性的加值服務。目前短期與中期主要規劃產品服務,包括版權音樂劇與舞台劇引進與中文化版本製作、委託開發製作、劇場 IP 轉化研發、以臺灣為基礎的跨國劇場產品研發製作。
2021 年首部外百老匯版權音樂劇製作《I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change》(暱稱《LPC》)在臺北南村劇場連演 35 場,重新定義駐地長演可能與音樂劇產業的全新策略藍圖;2022年1至6月,第二輪《LPC》連續演出長達139場,創造臺灣表演藝術產業里程碑以及連演記錄。2023年10月至2024年3月進行第三輪演出,總計締造323場演出,超過三萬六千人次進場。
其他重要製作包括:《不讀書俱樂部》短網劇版(出品人,入圍 2021 年釜山國際影展最佳短網劇獎與最佳新人獎);《阿吉先生》(2021年開發原創作品);《巴黎舞會》(臺灣華語配唱配音製作,2023台灣國際藝術節);百老匯搖滾音樂劇《NEXT TO NORMAL 近乎正常》(出品製作,2023年台中國家歌劇院夏日fun時光);2023年新北市音樂劇節(共同主辦與策展製作);百老匯音樂劇《TITANIC 鐵達尼號》(十週年紀念巡迴台灣站製作統籌);韓國授權中文版舞台劇《文雄與秀英 Beautiful Life》(製作出品);2024 K-Musical Roadshow(共同策劃);百老匯授權舞台劇《The Play That Goes Wrong 戲啊!出包惹》。
Activa Productions, founded in 2021 by Wuming Chen and Hsiaoli Wu, is a Taiwanese production company specializing in transforming intellectual properties from performing arts into commercial applications, focusing on musical theatre, stage productions, vocal performances, and other performance arts. Their aim is to develop innovative business models for the Mandarin-speaking market, expanding across live performances, online content, and film production.
One of their major achievements from 2021 to 2024 was the Taiwanese adaptation of the Off-Broadway musical I LOVE YOU, YOU’RE PERFECT, NOW CHANGE (referred to as “LPC”). This production ran for over 300 performances at the PLAYground Theater in Taipei, setting a milestone in Taiwan’s performing arts industry and reshaping the strategy for long-running musical productions.
Other key productions by Activa Productions include adapting Broadway’s rock musical NEXT TO NORMAL to Taiwan’s National Taichung Theater in 2023, and the short web series THE NON-READING CLUB, which was nominated for Best Short Drama and Best Newcomer at the 2021 Busan International Film Festival. Additionally, they produced the Mandarin dubbing for “Le Bal de Paris de Blanca Li” during the 2023 Taiwan International Arts Festival. Their efforts extend to co-producing the New Taipei City Musical Festival and overseeing the Taiwanese leg of the 10th-anniversary tour of TITANIC THE MUSICAL.